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《大方广佛华严经》夜摩宫中偈赞品 Avatamsaka Sūtra – Eulogies in the Palace of the Suyama Heavens

《华严经》,全称《大方广佛华严经》 (梵文 महावैपुल्यबुद्धावतंसकसूत्र Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra,大乘佛教主要经典之一,华严宗亦贤首宗的立宗之经。佛法中法界之根本经典。由实叉难陀翻译,内容有八十卷。华严藏世界之根本经典。与法华经楞严经并称为经中之王。







Then the bodhisattva Forest of Awareness, imbued with the power of Buddha, looked over the ten directions and said in verse, 


譬如工画师,It’s like a painter

分布诸彩色,Spreading the various colours:

虚妄取异相,Delusion grasps different forms

大种无差别。But the elements have no distinctions.


大种中无色,In the elements there’s no form,

色中无大种,And no form in the elements;

亦不离大种,And yet apart from the elements

而有色可得。No form can be found.


心中无彩画,In the mind is no painting,

彩画中无心,In painting there is no mind;

然不离于心,Yet not apart from mind

有彩画可得。Is any painting to be found.


彼心恒不住,That mind never stops,

无量难思议,Manifesting all forms

示现一切色,Countless, inconceivably many,

各各不相知。Unknown to one another.


譬如工画师,Just as a painter

不能知自心,Can’t know his own mind

而由心故画,Yet paints due to the mind,

诸法性如是。So is the nature of all things.


心如工画师,Mind is like an artist,

能画诸世间,Able to paint the worlds:

五蕴悉从生,The five aggregates all are born thence;

无法而不造。There’s nothing it doesn’t make.


如心佛亦尔,As is the mind, so is the Buddha;

如佛众生然,As the Buddha, so living beings:

应知佛与心,Know that Buddha and mind

体性皆无尽。Are in essence inexhaustible.


若人知心行,If people know the actions of mind

普造诸世间,Create all the worlds,

是人则见佛,They will see the Buddha

了佛真实性。And understand Buddha’s true nature.


心不住于身,Mind does not stay in the body,

身亦不住心,Nor body stay in mind:

而能作佛事,Yet it’s able to perform Buddha-work

自在未曾有。Freely, without precedent.


若人欲了知,If people want to really know

三世一切佛,All Buddhas of all times,

应观法界性,They should contemplate the nature of the cosmos:

一切唯心造。All is but mental construction.


Then the bodhisattva Forest of Knowledge, receiving power from the Buddha, looked over the ten directions and said in verse,


所取不可取,The grasped cannot be grasped,

所见不可见,The seen cannot be seen,

所闻不可闻,The heard cannot be heard:

一心不思议。The one mind is inconceivable.


有量及无量,The finite and the infinite

二俱不可取,Are both ungraspable;

若有人欲取,If any want to apprehend them,

毕竟无所得。 Ultimately they apprehend nothing.


不应说而说,To say what should not be said

是为自欺诳,Is self-deception;

己事不成就,When one’s own task is not complete,

不令众欢喜。One cannot gladden others.


有欲赞如来,Those who wish to laud the Buddha’s

无边妙色身,Boundless body of wondrous form

尽于无数劫,Could not express it fully

无能尽称述。Even in countless eons.


譬如随意珠,Just as the wish-fulfilling jewel

能现一切色,Can manifest all colours,

无色而现色,Being colourless yet manifesting colour,

诸佛亦如是。So are all the Buddhas.


又如净虚空,Also like clear space

非色不可见,Is formless and invisible

虽现一切色,And though it shows all forms

无能见空者。None can see space,


诸佛亦如是,So it is with the Buddhas;

普现无量色,They manifest infinite forms everywhere

非心所行处,Yet are not in the province of mental activity

一切莫能睹。So no one is able to see them.


虽闻如来声,Though the Buddha’s voice is heard,

音声非如来,The sound is not the Buddha;

亦不离于声,And yet not apart from sound

能知正等觉。Can the Truly Enlightened be known.


菩提无来去,Enlightenment has no coming or going;

离一切分别,It’s apart from all discriminations:

云何于是中,How then can one

自言能得见?Say he is able to see it?


诸佛无有法,The Buddhas have no doctrine:

佛于何有说,How could Buddha have any explanation?

但随其自心,It is just in accord with one’s own mind

谓说如是法。One thinks Buddha expounds such a doctrine.

#Note: Words in Blue are revised translations

下载 大方广佛华严经卷第十九
Avatamsaka Sūtra - Book Twenty Eulogies in the Palace of the Suyama Heaven Verses PDF
下载 大方广佛华严经卷第十九
Avatamsaka Sūtra – Book Twenty
Eulogies in the Palace of the Suyama Heaven Verses PDF

References 参考资料:​
  1. 大方广佛华严经简介-青州圆觉寺
  2. 《乾隆大藏经》简体汉语拼音横排版,佛学在线
  3. The Flower Ornament Scripture A Translation Of The Avatamsaka Sutra By Thomas Cleary : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  4. The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Volume 1), Shambhala Publications
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